Monday, May 4, 2009

How to Date a Single Mom

A single mom, like any other woman, can be your perfect life partner or a great person to date. But dating a single mom takes a little more understanding and patience than dating other women. Keep in mind the following steps when dating a single mom.


Step 1. Evaluate your interest level in this particular woman and your own ability to spend time with children. It is better to decide before asking a woman out if you are capable of the potential commitment dating a single mom can lead to or even if you like kids.

Step 2 . Focus on the relationship with the woman. You can meet the kids later. This requires flexibility since she needs to make babysitter arrangements or might be willing to have you over only after the kids are in bed for the night.

Step 3. Establish open communication about her past, the biological father's current role and your own feelings about the relationship. This may seem uncomfortable, but you are entitled to know necessary information if you are going to be in the picture long term.

Step 4. Meet the children when everyone is prepared. Mom knows best what her kids can handle and you must respect this decision. Surprising her by dropping by could be more damaging than appreciated when dating a single mom.

Step 5. Parent only when everyone is comfortable and it has been discussed. Being mom's boyfriend does not make you a father figure. Be very clear about what you think your role should be and be respectful about how your girlfriend and her kids view your role.

Step 6. Be patient and understanding to everyone's feelings and concerns, including your own. It is better to leave a relationship you are not suited for than to stay for the wrong reasons.

Source: eHow Relationships & Family Editor